Sunday, December 18, 2011


So in an attempt to start off the holiday season right,
we joined Drew and Ellie Holcomb on their Neighborly Christmas tour. 
Wonderful opener, Andrew Ripp.

they are the cutest
Have a listen.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


For what it’s worth: it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.
—F. Scott Fitzgerald

 had fun with hats

 visited gatlinburg

 enjoyed good food

out with sweet friends

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"bleh" ...ever feel that way?

dear life,

sometimes i just get so dang frustrated at you. like i don't know you anymore. we used to be in sync, and now it's like you're way ahead of me dragging me by a hair pulling me down the dirt road to my destiny. i'm ready to be back on my feet walking hand in hand.

a confused young adult female who is trying to understand her feelings, figure out where she's going, and make sense of everything you have to offer.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

fam bam

having so much fun at the beach with the fam bam! 
unfortunately i've been too busy enjoying paradise to even look at this thing. 
hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! 

Friday, June 17, 2011


It may sound crazy, but i've really enjoyed my time here in DC land. It's funny how God can turn something dreaded into something so unexpectedly wonderful. I feel like sometimes we forget who we are, who want to be, and where we want to "go". We get really caught up in little things; decisions about college, future, planning. It's all stressful, and for what? It's pointless anyway. It doesn't matter because as long as we have faith, we're gonna end up where God wants us. I believe in doing what you want. Saying what you want. And, when you want to. All of those things will get us where we "belong". There is a God, and He does have a plan for our lives. But how will we ever get there if we focus too much on silly little obstacles. We're all gonna die one day. Like it or not, it's gonna happen. So we need to decide how we're going to live today. Get up, eat what you want for breakfast, who cares how many fucking calories you're about to put in your mouth. Get fat. Be happy. Some of us don't have specific goals in life, we just know we want to be happy. So do things that make you happy. I think one day, while I'm doing small things that give me joy, I'll find the one that brings me the greatest joy. And that's how I'll know where to go from that point. And then the next will come, and the next, and so on. Til I die at least.

So basically through all this rambling I've come to a decision. Not one that I thought about for days, pondered over for hours, or really even weighed the pros and cons to. It just came to me. Like it's supposed to. From now on I'm going to live how I want. Do what I want. See what I want. Feel what I want. Wear what I want. Eat what I want. Read what I want. Be what I want. Love who I want. Dream what I want.

This isn't a selfish declaration of "screw everyone else, I'm all that matters to me". It's just a declaration of self-freedom. Life is so short, so why waste a second of it worrying about anything but your own life, your own feelings, and your own dreams/desires, and your own journey.  NO regrets. Allowing whatever happens to happen..Because I believe there IS a reason for everything.
It's simple, really.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

crafts anyone?

today I was just doing my usual craftgawking when I stubbled upon these adorable little flowers! this summer is so exciting because not only am I getting to plan my next dorm room but I will also be redoing my room at home! whooo knows, maybe all this fun I'm having could lead to a career in interior design?! 

all you need is your favorite color felt, scissors, and a hot glue gun

wa-la! now what to do with them... 
all pictures courtesy of It's The Little Things